North Florida Archers meeting minutes
May 2, 2023

Call to Order = Butch White

Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence

Suspended reading of last month’s minutes

Financial Report was accepted as read

Old Business:

    1. Discussed the Rendezvous tournament – went really well, brought in $3,400-$3,600 and we spent $600 on supplies and awards.

New Business:

    1. Mike Shea made a motion to purchase cores for the Delta McKenzie targets. Seconded by Stan Connally. Was approved to purchase the cores that were needed, up to $5,000. Mike will make the order and send Jeremy invoice to pay online. Steve will pick up the cores that the London, KY ASA tournament.
    2. May Events that we will be hosting:
      1. May 6th & 7th = Monthly Shoots
    3. Justin Connally recommended that we need to get 3 of the backyard targets if we don’t have 3 good targets in the conex to replace targets on the traditional course. Will go through the conex to organize and inventory the targets. Justin will have the cost to purchase the 3 targets at the June meeting.
    4. The club purchased a used bandsaw for $120 to use to cut the new foam down to size.
      1. We will be having a workday in June before hosting the state/circuit championships. Date will be posted to the website and Facebook page when determined.

There being no further business, motion made to adjourn.




Recorded by Jeremy Hall