North Florida Archers meeting minutes
February 03, 2021

The regular monthly club meeting of North Florida Archers was called to order at 6:05 PM on February 3, 2021 by Mike Chesser, Club President

This meeting will be Mike’s last meeting as Club President; he gave his farewell speech and expressed his gratitude to all members of the club

    2. The minutes for the previous meeting were reviewed by Don Williams, Club Secretary and approved.

    4. The Treasurer’s report was approved as read.

    5. New Business or Open Issues

First club shoot of the year is this weekend, 2/6 and 2/7. Compound shoot will be held on Saturday, 2/6 and Traditional shoot will be held on Sunday, 2/7. Club will not cancel either shoot this weekend due to bad weather. Volunteers to help set up for both shoots this weekend would be appreciated.

Be sure to sign up for Shooter of the Year before the first shoot this weekend to make sure that all scores can be counted.

Ideas to improve Monthly shoot participation were discussed:

    1. Add a Beginner’s class for Traditional shooters. This would include new shooters only who have never participated in a tournament. Suggestions were made to have Beginners assigned to a group with more experienced Archers when participating in a Monthly shoot.
    2. The Beginner’s class will not be given "pay out", however, an award will be given (trophy or plaque).

The first "Introduction to 3D shoots" class was given last weekend by Mike Shea. It was successful with a good turn-out. We acquired 7 new members as a result of the class and many expressed interest in Archery lessons.

We will hold an upcoming vote on the proposed change that was discussed in the January meeting. The proposal was to change the month to December for our Yearly voting for Club Officers and Board Members. This will be voted on at our next club meeting in March.

Mike Shea requested to have the club purchase some cores for 3D targets. Mike Chesser asked for a price quote to be prepared for the cores.

Mike Chesser will be working on adding a PayPal link to the club’s website.

Target Inventory was completed over the weekend and there are 135 3D targets in good condition. One goal for this year will be to have scorable ASA 3D targets on the Compound walk-around range.


We have a new Ballot system that we implemented for tonight’s elections. Everyone will be given a prepared ballot and you will be asked to fill in the candidate that you would like to vote for. Board Member nominees are listed, if you cast a vote for that nominee they will be voted in as a Board member. We have spaces for write-in nominees, as well.

Write in Nominees for Board Members:

Josh Cagle Don Williams

John Mikolay Shannon Terrell

Jacob Connally

Votes were tallied by Club President, Club Treasurer and Club Secretary and the results are as follows:

Club President-Butch White Board Members:

Vice President-Mike Shea Abby Williams Don Williams

Secretary-Debbie Lowe Dan Allen Shannon Terrell

Treasurer-Debbie Allen Steve Williams Mike Hutchison

Range Officer-Justin Connally Jacob Connally Josh Cagle

Chairmen of the Board-Mike Chesser Stan Connally John Mikolay

Board Meetings will be held quarterly this year. Board Members must be involved in club events and make every effort to actively participate. This is a requirement to be a Board Member. The primary duty of the Board is provide oversight. The Board does not have the authority to pass final punishment. The Board will investigate and then recommend punishment for offenses. The Board will work closely with Club officers to ensure that issues brought before the Board are handled fairly. The Club officers ultimately will make final decisions regarding recommendations brought before the Board.

Butch White gave an acceptance speech and expressed his gratitude for everyone’s support. He expressed some goals for the club are to build membership as well as continue to build on the good reputation of the club. He will make investments to gain new 3D targets. Overall, he wants to see the club continue to move in the right direction and see improvement. Expressed his gratitude to all the club volunteers.

Motion to adjourn meeting was made and carried.

Meetings minutes completed by: Debbie Lowe, Club Secretary




Recorded by Debbie Lowe